Consumer Directed Services enables you to become an employer who selects and instructs your own Personal Assistant, giving you the power you need to have things done your way. As an Employer, you’ll have full control over:
Consumer Directed Services enables you to become an employer who selects and instructs your own Personal Assistant, giving you the power you need to have things done your way. As an Employer, you’ll have full control over:
Hiring the kind of caregivers that you want to hire
Perhaps there is someone you know that would be an excellent candidate for a caregiver. Perhaps you've not been pleased in the past with the caregivers that were supplying to you from past care providers. The Fiscal Employer Agent option can steer you down a path of personal choice with the individuals who will assist you with many of the things that matter the most to you.
You are the employer... you are the boss
Part of the problem with having a traditional service provider for your cares is that the specific people who are in your world are there not by your choice. With the Fiscal Employer Agent Services option, you have the power to hire and fire whomever you wish. If you hire someone who just isn't "making the grade", you have the capability and choice to replace that person. It's your world...it's your life... and it's your choice regarding the people who are near you.
Care...on your own time & done to your liking.
In America, we enjoy the freedoms of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. We truly live in this country on the planet. With the Fiscal Employer Agent option, caregiving is styled around your individual needs and wants.
Self-determination is believing you can control your own destiny.
Self-determination is a combination of attitudes and abilities that lead people to set goals for themselves, and to take the initiative to reach these goals. It is about being in charge, but is not necessarily the same thing as self-sufficiency or independence.
Principles of Self Determination from The Center of Self Determination:
Freedom to decide how one wants to live his/her life
Authority- over a target amount of dollars Support To organize resources and personnel in a way that is life changing and meaningful.
Responsibility – acceptance of a valued community role, though activities such as employment, affiliation, spiritual development and doing for others as well as being accountable for public dollars.